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Question Bank :Medieval History of India (Akbar to Aurangzeb)

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This question bank covers 480+ accurate questions on the rise and fall of the Mughal Empire in India – here is a brief overview of the main topics.

1. Rise of the Mughals: • How Akbar consolidated his power after dismissing his regent Bairam Khan.
2.Territorial expansion,
3.Akbar’s administrative reforms,
4.the growth of the empire.
5. Mughal policies: Policies towards various regional powers. Rajputs, Deccan states, Marathas,
6.Relations between the Mughals and the North-West Frontier Province.
7. The Mughals decline: An overview of the views of various scholars on the causes of the decline of the Mughal Empire.

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Medieval Indian History has always been a boring subject for students and hence they ignore it, even though this section plays a huge role in selection in many major exams. Hence this question bank is your one-stop solution to ace your Medieval Indian History exams, especially focusing on the reigns of Akbar to Aurangzeb. Packed with over 480 carefully crafted questions and in-depth answer explanations, this digital question bank enables you to revise and prepare with ease.


This Question bank is in English.

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